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Hoshterova house
Built in 1909 by one of the prominent textile industrialists Ruscho Andonov, known with his nickname Hoshtera. Built in 1909 by one of the prominent textile industrialists Ruscho Andonov, known with his nickname Hoshtera.

Nationalised in 1948 and used as an administrative building by various institutions.

Bought and restored by Italian businessman Eduardo Miroglio.

Uzunova House
It was built in 1910 according to a project by Boyan Stoyanov, one of the first Sliven architects.

It was owned by Georgi Uzunov and his wife Shtiliana, niece of Panayot Hitov. Today it houses the Dimitar Dobrovich Art Gallery.

The building of Sliven art school
In the 1920s and 1930s, the building was a home for war orphans.

The main contribution in te bulding of the orphanage belongs to the chairwoman of à women charity society - Shtiliyana Panova, sister of the famous Sliven doctor Georgi Shishkov.

the Historical Museum
The building of the museum was built in 1895 according to the project of Kolyo Ganchev, one of the students of famous craftsman - Kolyo Ficheto.

. Its architecture is dominated by the western architectural influence. This is a three-storey building with a double staircase and. The building has large halls and symmetrical location of rooms. It was donated to the city by the last descendants of Ivan Zhelyazkov.

The house against
Viennese confectionery

The house of Noi
It was built in 1927 by the manufacturer Noi Markov, owner of a textile factory. The building was designed by an Italian architect.

the Municipal Children's Complex
The building of the former pioneer home was owned by the Sliven textile industrialist Apostol Stefanov.

Sava Dobroplodni library
In the past it was known as the "Thalassem House". The reason for this is a belief from the years of Turkish yoke, associated with this area.

Due to this belief, the owners of the house, built in 1918 - Hadjiangelovi, refused to live in it and sold it to Georgi Ruschev. Currently, the Sava Dobroplodni Regional Library is located in it.

The buildings
of "educational Triangle"

The central class school was located here in the times of Ottoman Empire. According to American journalist Mac Gahan the quality of education of this school was on the same level as the best schools in England and France.

During the Liberation War the school was converted into a warehouse and was burned. In 1879 Sliven was the center of the riot against the intervention of Turkish inspector-auditor.

For that reason the Governor of the city General. A. D. Stolypin "fined" Sliven citizens and ordered this fine, along with his own donations to be used for the building of a new school. At this time there were only 2 boys' highschools in Eastern Rumelia (in Plovdiv and Sliven) byt many people wanted to study there, so in 1897 new buildings were built.

The reputation of Sliven High School was very high and its graduates who had applied in European universities were accepted without examination.

House-museum of the Old
Sliven Popular Customs

House-museum of the Old Sliven Popular Customs was built by Tryavna masters for the rich Sliven craftsman Boyu.

The house is open symmetrical type with a porch, typical for the late Revival period of Sliven, It has a wood-carved ceilings in the rooms and à deep cellar. The house is located at the bottom of broad cobblestone courtyard with awnings and flower garden.

The house of
Teodora Hadzhidimitrova

The house was built by the merchant Dimo Raynov around 1880, after the great fire that had devastated Sliven during the Liberation War.

The house was built by the merchant Dimo Raynov around 1880, after the great fire that had devastated Sliven during the Liberation War.

Teodora Hadzhidimitrova, a famous culture activist, one of the descendants of the builder, lived for many years in this building

Here you can find information about the cultural and historical landmarks in the city and in the region: hotels, restaurants, attractions, as well as the information about the cultural, sport and other events.

House of Mirkovich family
The House of Mirkovich family is a cultural monument of the Bulgarian Revival period and is an object of national importance.

The exhibition "Old Sliven" with paintings by the artist Dobri Dobrev is exposed in the building.

House of Chackarovi
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The house of Michael Tchaikovski
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The old house of Marinkov family
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The first state textile factory
in Balkan Peninsula

The building of the first state textile factory in the Balkans is was built in 1843 by Dobri Zhelyazkov - the first Bulgarian industrialist. There is preserved inscription on the southern facade. The inscription has Bulgarian and Turkish versions, but the Turkish version has an error, which indirectly indicates that the builder is Bulgarian.

Until the Liberation it was the largest secular building in Bulgaria. Subsequently it became one of the most sinister political prisons in Bulgaria.

Today the building is under the jurisdiction of the Sliven Historical Museum and many exhibitions are presented here.

The old water tower
Water tower for water supply of steam locomotives. A railroad station was built in the early years of the XX century in the place of today's bus station

The old clock tower
The old clock tower in the center of Sliven It was built in the early nineteenth century. The tower clock was used for firefighter watchtower. In 1936 a severe storm destroyed the wooden upper part. It was restored 16 years ago in the old manner.

There are several commercial and industrial buildings from Bulgarian National Revival period (Maazi) in Sliven.

One of them was built in 1873 by brothers Minovi. Unprecedented for its timem was the fact that the marble inscription was in Bulgarian and in French, but not in Turkish. With unusual "yoke" shape of its roof, the building is one of the most beautiful buildings of this kind in our lands.

With its name it resembles another already demolished building "Deboya" (from the French Depot - which means warehouse).

The building of Gudev
Iliya Gudev is a prominent figure in the city. In 1892 he made a proposal to erect a monument to Hadji Dimitar in his hometown. This house housed the studio of "Photo Anna" for a long time. Leter, offices, desks and law firms were opened there.

The house of Yanaki Lesinov
Yanaki Lesinov, born in Kotel - winegrower, winemaker and merchant, city councilor in Sliven and assistant mayor of Sliven.



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