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Sliven Historical Museum

The building of the museum was built in 1895 according to the project of Kolyo Ganchev, one of the students of famous craftsman - Kolyo Ficheto. The museum presents archaeological exhibition "Memory of Ages" which includes materials from archaeological excavations in Sliven and Sliven - "Prehistory", "Thracian culture" and "Medieval culture".

Äddress: 18 Tsar Osvoboditel blvd., 8800 Sliven, Bulgaria
Phone: +359 44 622 494, E-mail: museum_sl@abv.bg,
Website: museum.sliven.net

Hadzhi Dimitar House-museum

The house is a small, one-storeyed, unsymmetrical building with a wooden veranda, with the characteristic construction and architecture , typical of the early Revival period. Its interior was restored in its look from XIX century.

To the museum complex is included also the inn of hadji Nicola Assenov. In museum is shown a large exposition about the the leaders Hadzhi Dimitar and Stephan Karadja. There are interesting samples of firearms and metal weapons, photographs and documents, connected with the heroic march of the detachment of the two men in 1868. House-museum Hadji Dimitar is 100 National tourists places of interest.

Äddress: 2 Asenova Str., 8800 Sliven, Bulgaria, phone: +359 44 622 496, More: museum.sliven.net

Dobri Chintulov House-museum

Dobri Chintulov House-museum has a typical architecture of the Renaissance Sliven. It s located at the northern part of the city, in the old neighborhood Gur-fountain on a small, crooked cobblestone street. Dobri Chintulov, one famous Renaissance poet, teacher, cultural and church leader lived here.

He is the author of the most popular revolutionary songs: "Wind Blows, Balkan moans", "Arise Balkan hero", "Where are You, faithful love" etc.

Äddress: 5 Vazrozhdenska Str., 8800 Sliven, Bulgaria
Phone: +359 44 622 494
More: museum.sliven.net

House-museum of Popular Customs

The House-museum of the Old Sliven Popular Customs, or the so-called Arnautkina house, was opened in 1969 and shows the daily life of an urban family in the first decades of the twentieth century.Visitors are shown imported and Bulgarian furniture including bed, bedside tables, sofas, armchairs, buffet.Although it is a house of olden times, it is a unique combination of urban innovations and already established traditions.

In October 2009, a new exhibiton named "Traditions and culture of Sliven" was opened in the museum-house. It shows the variety and specificity of traditional culture and rituals such as calendar rites, rituals accompanying harvest activities and family rituals with an emphasis on traditional wedding. Due to the lack of space ,only the main calendar rites typical for the region are included - special focus is placed on ritual meal and requisite as well as magic spells.

Address: 5 Simeon Tabakov Str., 8800 Sliven, Bulgaria
Phone. +359 44 622 494, More: museum.sliven.net

TUIDA Fortress

TUIDA Fortress is the most significant archaeological monument on the outskirts of Sliven, which dates back to the era of late antique period. Located in the place Hisarlaka, immediately above borough Novo selo.

The ancient settlement Tuida has centuries of history / from VI millennium BC. to XIII century A.D. /, it was inhabited by Thracian tribes, ancient Romans and medieval Bulgarians. From the place of the fortress offer views of the magnificent "Sini kamyni" and the town...

Phone: +359 895 467 289, E-mail: tuidacastle@gmail.com

Website: tuidacastle.sliven.bg

The first state textile factory
in Balkan Peninsula

The building of the first state textile factory in the Balkans is was built in 1843 by Dobri Zhelyazkov - the first Bulgarian industrialist.

It is under the jurisdiction of Sliven Historical Museum. It presents the following exhibitions: "The Saved relics ", "My city in past years (1878-1940)", "The Liberation - military correspondents send ...", snd "Bulgarian unification - our holy cause".

The exhibition "Bulgarian unification - our holy cause" was opened on 04.09.2015 during the celebration of the 130th anniversary of the Unification of the Principality of Bulgaria and Eastern Rumelia and the Serbo-Bulgarian War. The exhibition "137 years after the Liberation, the military correspondents sent ..." is dedicated to the National Day of the Bulgaria, to its resurrection after five centuries of slavery, to the memory of thousands of warriors, heroes of Bulgarian volunteer troops.

A temporary exhibition "One Testament! Homeland, keep your lands!" was opened in October 2016. It is devoted to the participation of Sliven 11th Infantry Regiment, 7th Cavalry Regiment and 6th Artillery Regiment in World War I (1915-1918)

Äddress: 3 Stoil Voivoda square, 8800 Sliven, Bulgaria
Phone. +359 44 622 494, +359 44 663 149,

Museum of Textile Industry
The Museum of Textile Industry is the first permanent scientific and technical exhibition in Bulgaria. It is a specialized museum that preserves and promotes the industrial textile heritage in Bulgaria in the context of global development of textile equipment and technology. The permanent exhibition has working exhibits, demonstrations in real time.

The museum is one of the 100 national tourist objects in Bulgaria and a member of the European Textile Network.

Address: 3 Stoil Voivoda square, 8800 Sliven, Bulgaria
Phone: +359 879 336 425
Å-mail: textilemuseum@abv.bg

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