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TUIDA Fortress
TUIDA Fortress is the most significant archaeological monument on the outskirts of Sliven, which dates back to the era of late antique period. Located in the place Hisarlaka, immediately above borough Novo selo. The ancient settlement Tuida has centuries of history / from VI millennium BC. to XIII century A.D. /, it was inhabited by Thracian tribes, ancient Romans and medieval Bulgarians. From the place of the fortress offer views of the magnificent "Sini kamyni" and the town.

The fortification was very important role in the defense of Roman and later Byzantine, and then to the medieval Bulgarian country.

By project of the Municipality of Sliven under the Operational Program "Regional Development" 2007 - 2013. It was restored and preserved this cultural and historical landmark. Part of the activities of the project include improvement of the surrounding area and turn it into a major tourist destination in the region.

"living history." You get to experience life, culture, crafts and warfare of its inhabitants. There are various services, such as shooting reflex bow, dress medieval costume, photos and demonstrations with Harris’s Hawk Draco, which present falconry as one of the ancient crafts of proto-Bulgarians.


May to September:: 09.00 - 20.00 / Every day /
October to -April: 09.00 - 18.00 / Tuesday - Sunday. Day off - Monday /

Address: Post Box 8800, city Sliven,  borough "Novo selo", 
street "Prof. Dr. Boyan Boyanov "№ 3

Phone: +359 895 467 289, E-mail: tuidacastle@gmail.com
Website: www.tuidacastle.sliven.bg

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