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Kushbunar spring

Kushbunar - mountain spring located about 1050 meters above the sea level and amidst 400 year old beech and coniferous trees.

A rarely picturesque plsce, famous for its healing vitues and known from Thracian times. Traditionally, on 19 August sick and healthy people immerse into the water in the hope of a long life.

Theaspring is also known as haidouk gathering place with unbelievable vital powers – it is believed that it rejuvenates old eagles and turns eaglets into strong birds.


The most afforested area lying north of Karaultash, near Mecha Polyana (The Bear's Meadow). It is covered with old beech trees and it was a shelter for glorious haiduts (rebels, fighters for national liberation). Legendary rebel leaders, such as Dimitar Kalachliyata, Georgi Trunkin, Hadji Dimitar, Guncho voivoda and Vasil Levski wandered here. Haramiata was one of the most romantic springs in the past.

Now it is turned into stone fountain. It keeps the memory of the gloomy turbulent years and the hope of liberty, brave, sworn over sword and gospel people. Now quietness and serenity surround the fountain.

Gunchov spring

Gunchov spring whose waters com from under a huge oak is located in the upper part of the Ravna reka (The Flat river). The sprig is named after Ilia Gospodinov - Guncho voivoda. He was a glorious revolutionary fighter for freedom, he gathered 200 young hero to join the troops of Hadzhi Dimitar and Stefan Karadzha. But when he heard about the death of Hadzhi Dimitart urged him to raise a rebellion in Sliven by his own.

Today, the area near the fountain is a favorite place for tourists going to Haramiata, Prozoretsa (The window), Daulite and Dragieva fountain. It is also a place for admiration for the heroism of the brave leader.

Aglikina Polyana (Primrose Meadow)

Aglikina Polyana is a historic site, located 38 km northwest of Sliven, in the Elena Balkan. It is a spacious meadow surrounded by ancient oaks and beeches. The Stara Planina pass "Vratnik" is located about 1-2 km west of this mountain pasture.

In Bulgarian history during the Turkish syoke this area was known as a gathering place for haidouks. Aglikina Polyana is associated with the name of the legendary Elenka Voivoda and other rebels in the XVIII-XIX centuries. It is mentioned in the memoirs of Panayot Hitov, in the works of Yordan Yovkov and in the haidouk folk songs. A folk festival with chants known as "Celebration of the banditry" is held on Aglikina Polyana.

This area with 120 ha was included in the protected areas and was declared a protected area..

Dragieva cheshma
(Dragieva fountain)

It is located on the scenic road Sliven - Chukata - Karandila under Haramiata peak, 3.2 km from the turnout Mecha Polyana for Karandila and peak Bulgarka. Built in 1932. Originally beared the name of St. Peter.

It became famous because of the song "Dragieva fountain". The music was written by Dimitar Champion, the text by Peter Boyadzhiev and Georgi Gyulmyazov.

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Daula locality

It spreads among large beech forests, about 1000 meters above sea level north of Karakyutyuk locality and peak Bulgarka.Initially there was a Roman road that connected Adrianoplis (Edirne) and Nikopolis ad Istrum (Nikopol), later this road connected Sliven with the capital - Tarnovo.

The name of the locality comes from the Ottoman yoke times - in foggy weather Turkish guard beat Daul to orient Turkish troops - Treasury guards. The area is connected with rebels and their brave leaders - Guncho voivoda, Todor Harbov, Panayot Hitov etc.

Today, there are ski-lift and holiday homes in the beautiful beech forest. The clean air and good infrastructure make this destination attractive for tourists in all seasons.

Ravna reka (Flat river) locality

Ravna reka (Flat river) locality is located along the river of the same name at about 1005 meters above the see level, it is surrounded by steep crags, numerous meadows and beech forests, single durmast, aspen, brekinya ash, and other trees.

Big Chatalka (1055.9 m) and Little Chatalka (1000.0 m) peaks are located in the vicinity of Ravna reka.

Famous voivods (rebel leaders), such as George Trankin, Panayot Hitov, Hadzhi Dimitar, Guncho voivoda roamed in these places during the Ottoman period.

Zlatko Chorbadzhi, a protector of the Bulgarian population against the Ottomans, found his death here. This is also the place of the battle between Stoil voivoda and Turkish militias (zaptiehs) on 1 May 1875, what was published in Botev newspaper "Flag".

Today, the area is a favorite place for tourists. It attracts them with its colorful grasses, various insects and recreation places.

Dolapite locality

Dolapite locality covers an area around along the river Novoselska. It is a picturesque deep gorge, starting from the outskirts of the city and extending almost five kilometers into the mountain up to Mochurite (The Swamp) locality.


Built in the seventeenth - eighteenth centuries watermills are located on the right bank of the river in the forest of walnuts, oaks, hornbeams, among geraniums, squill and mint.


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