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Wine Bar Terre Miroglio

Phone: +359 44 501 762
Address: 6 Tsar Osvoboditel Str

Pech Vinery

Phone: +359 894 474 313
Address: 1 Al. Stamboliyski Str., 8800 Sliven, Bulgaria

Chateau Windy Hills

Chateau Windy Hills is situated 12 km awat from Sliven, west of the main road Sofia - Burgas near the Sliven Mineral Baths.

Phone: +359 886 467 444,+359 886 977 933
E-mail: windyhills@abv.bg,
Website: www.windyhills-bg.com

Òåë. + 359 44 611 123   Êîíòàêò 
Å-mail: tourism.sliven@gmail.com     << Íà÷àëî
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