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The Folklore Song and Dance Ensemble

The Folklore Song and Dance Ensemble – Sliven was founded in 1959 as an amateur group. It became a professional group in 1977. 

There are many songs and dances from the folklore wealth of the region of Sliven in its repertoire. Moreover, it includes musical compositions from other folklore regions. 

There are unique musical compositions in the creative work of the ensemble: "Kotel working-bee", "Sliven cadences", "Thrace suite", "Wedding melodies", choral compositions, as well as compositions made on the song and dance wealth of other folklore regions as: "Suite of the Sofia district", "Suite of the region of the Pirin mountain", "Suite of the region of Dobrudja", etc. 

The Ensemble has had almost 6000 performances in Bulgaria and abroad in its over 58-year history. It took part in different programmes in Russia, Ukraine, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia (Former), Romania, France, Spain, Belgium, Serbia, Turkey, Moldova, Tunisia, Jordan. Audio and video recordings of the Ensemble could be seen and heard on Bulgarian National Television, Bulgarian National Radio and other media.

With its repertoire the Ensemble of Sliven could represent successfully Bulgarian national folklore in the country and abroad. Over 50 dance performances and suites, 30 orchestra compositions and 100 folklore songs from Bulgarian folklore regions are included in different performances with duration from 15 minutes up to 2 hours. 

The Folklore Song and Dance Ensemble – Sliven is composed of a director, orchestra, chorus and dancers.  

Address:1 Tsar Osvoboditel Str.", room 337, Sliven, Bulgaria
phonе: +359 44622674; GSM: +359 879 025 880 
Е-mail: anpt_sliven@abv.bg



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